Essentials to pack for and Event
Written by Maggie Herring
When traveling to a competition it is very important that you have everything you need. We can all remember that one time that you went away to a competition and forgot something. So here are some things I pack and some tips about how to remember to pack everything
- Bridle
- Bit (make sure to check that its approved)
- Saddle/Girth (remember if you use two saddles or girths to pack them both)
- Saddle pad/numnah
- Work Boots/Float boots
- Whip/spurs
- Extra bridle/halter
- Rugs (both heavy and light in case it gets colds or hot during the night/day)
- Supplements/hay (try to pack/make these the day before so its one less thing to pack on the day)
- Buckets (for water and feed)
- Number holder (remember to pack both if you have two horses)
- Helmet (make sure its approved)
- Jacket (if you use two different jackets make sure you don’t only pack one)
- Breeches (make sure to pack a spare pair in case you horse rubs against you, or you spill something)
- Track pants (to keep you breeches clean
- Boots
- Socks
- Gloves
- Hat
- Belt
- Show shirt
- Hair net/hair kit
- Number holder
First aid kit:
we always hope that we will never have to use any of these and that our horse will stay safe and won’t be injured but it is a good idea to carry these and have them in you float just in case of an emergency
- Instant Ice packs
- Vet wrap
- Bute (make sure its kept cool so it doesn’t get hot)
- Electrolytes (you can buy these, but salt also works)
- Bandages
- Syringe
- Scissors or pocketknife
Grooming kit
- Hoof pick
- Brushes
- Hoof polish
- Plating kit (in case you need to fix up a couple of plats
- Shimmer spray or pepi spray
- Fly repellent
- Shampoo (for some touch ups before you go into the ring)
- Wipes/rags (to remove makeup of your horse)
- Make up ( things like hoof blackit, chalk block, shimmer spray, ect
I hope providing these lists you can be 100% prepared for every competition, or event!